英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:37:52
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1. a characteristic that attracts tourists

1. 旅游景点:这里提到了国际级大都会(international metropolis)纽约的一些著名旅游景点(tourist attraction). 想必有些景点大家都有所耳闻. 比如,纽约的自由女神、帝国大厦、时代广场、百老汇(Broadway)、曼哈顿(Manhattan)等等. 那么,这里就选出几个相对有名的旅游名胜,

2. 旅游景区:旅游景区(tourist attraction)是旅游业的重要组成部分,它由一系列相对独立景点构成,是供人们从事经营活动,能满足旅游者观光、休闲、娱乐、科考、探险等多层次精神需求,具有明显的地域边界、相对独立的小尺度空间的旅游地.

3. 景点:这里提到了国际级大都会(international metropolis)纽约的一些著名旅游景点(tourist attraction). 想必有些景点大家都有所耳闻. 比如,纽约的自由女神、帝国大厦、时代广场、百老汇(Broadway)、曼哈顿(Manhattan)等等. 那么,这里就选出几个相对有名的旅游名胜,

4. tourist attraction是什么意思

4. 观光景点:当局的解释,也令人困惑(befuddling),他们既认为喀什是文化古城与重点观光城市(major tourism city),却准备根据拆除计画(demolition plan)将喀什的最主要观光景点(tourist attraction),亦即旧城,化为瓦砾(reduce to rubble).

The ticker made little visible impact on Cubans but became a tourist attraction.(这个电子告示牌并没有对古巴人产生明显的影响,反倒成了一处观光场所。)
The open-air urinal "is more of a tourist attraction", said Yang Xiaoyong, of the developer's planning department.(开发公司规划部门的杨晓勇认为,露天便池更像是一个旅游景点。)
Soaring 324 meters above the Paris skyline, the tower is the world's most visited tourist attraction, drawing some 6 million people each year.(埃菲尔铁塔高324米,高耸入巴黎天空,是世界最热门旅游景点之一,每年接待游客约600万人。)
Today, while at a busy tourist attraction, I read a sign saying "Beware Of Pickpockets" so I opened my bag to check all my valuables were there.(今天在一个拥挤的旅游景点,我看到有个牌子写着“小心扒手”,就打开包检查值钱的东西。)
But have you ever thought about the living things that are also a major tourist attraction?(但您可曾想过,是否活的生物也可成为主要的观光景点?)
The bridge meets the tunnel at Umihotaru, an artificial island, tourist attraction and rest area in the water.(大桥和隧道在人工岛“东京湾海萤”上交汇,这座人工岛是旅游胜地,也是海面上的休息区域。)
I mean we stand there, if we go there, and look at it with all. becomes a tourist attraction.(我是说要是我们去那里观赏,泰姬陵已经成了游览胜地。)
Due to its unusual design and integration into the surrounding nature, the building has become a growing tourist attraction.(由于设计与众不同,又和周边环境融为一体,这一建筑逐渐成为旅游景点。)
Ms. Nicholson told Mr. Loughlin that she should put the jellyfish under glass and preserve it as a tourist attraction.(尼克尔森女士告诉洛夫林先生,她想把这只死水母放到玻璃瓶里好好保存起来,变成该地的旅游“名胜”。)
Bujagali Falls, a white-water torrent and tourist attraction, may vanish as a result of Uganda's hydropower plans.(布扎加里瀑布白浪滔滔、急流翻滚,但由于乌干达的水电计划,这个著名的游览胜地可能消失。)
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